Recently, the recordings started for the new 8-part drama series Sisters. The series revolves around three women who, much to their surprise, turn out to be half-sisters. Not only do they inherit their father's farm, but they are also confronted with other secrets he carried. And he's not alone. The drama series will be shown in the spring of 2024 at MAX on NPO 1.
When, after her father's death, it turns out that he still has two daughters, it comes as a huge shock to farmer's daughter Rolinde. And not only for her, but also for her half-sisters Nienke and Faya. The three women will have to relate to each other, but also to themselves. Because who are you if you don't know your past? Moreover, their father's life turns out to be shrouded in mystery, not least around his death. Because was his fall into the slurry pit an accident?
The leading roles are played by Huub Stapel (Flikken Rotterdam), Olga Zuiderhoek (The secret diary of Hendrik Groen), Joy Delima (Rampvlucht), Melody Klaver (Arcadia) and Fockeline Ouwerkerk (Deep Shit). In addition, many well-known actors make their appearance. The screenplay of the series was written by Ingrid van Berkum (Lieve Mama, Hockey Fathers) and Martin van Steijn (De 12 van Oldenheim, Hockey Fathers). The direction is in the hands of Annemarie van de Mond (The Takeover, Flikken) and Michiel de Jong (Hockeyvaders).
Zusen will be shown at MAX on NPO1 from spring 2024.