On Friday, January 29, the long-awaited third season of the popular series ‘Mocro Maffia’ starts. As a treat for the loyal fan base, the makers of the popular series have created a 7-part miniseries entitled 'Mocro Maffia: Komtgoed', which is available on Videoland from today.
'Mocro Maffia: Komtgoed' revolves around the character of 16-year-old actor Marouane Meftah and starts where the second season of Mocro Maffia ends: after a failed rescue attempt by Mouse, the problems of fifteen-year-old Komtgoed grow rapidly. An argument in the street escalates and he ends up in the clutches of the judicial system. Juvenile detention and a foster family follow. As his problems grow, there seems to be only one way to make something of his life.
The miniseries is an idea of Achmed Akkabi, Creative Producer of 'Mocro Maffia': “Leading actor Marouane Meftah found his way to the set of 'Mocro Maffia' season 2 in 2019 through a figuration casting. Initially I asked him for a role in the new season of 'Mocro Maffia'. Later the idea for this miniseries arose”.
Antoinette Beumer, Head of Drama at Videoland, about the miniseries: “Videoland likes to offer a stage to young talent. Achmed's choice to offer a young actor this opportunity and to address a very current topic is a golden combination in our opinion. The choice of young director Aaron van Valen also fits very well with how we think about talent development processes at Videoland”.
'Mocro Maffia: Komtgoed' consists of seven short episodes and was written by Achmed Akkabi, Kevin Boitelle, Mustafa Duygulu and Martin van Steijn. Directed by Aaron van Valen and produced by Fiction Valley.
The third season of 'Mocro Maffia' continues where 'Mocro Maffia: Komtgoed' ends, the character 'Komtgoed' is also featured in the new season of 'Mocro Maffia'.