Jackie & Oopjen winnaar voor Best Feature Film op het Kinolub Filmfestival in Polen!

Jackie & Oopjen (coproductie met Column film) heeft niet één maar, maar liefst twee keer de prijs gewonnen voor Best Feature Film op het Kinolub Filmfestival in Polen! Van de kinderjury en van de vakjury.



“Genius script, heartwarming acting. Jackie and Oopjen has convinced us that you can find a true friend even in a 17th-century painting by Rembrandt, as long as you approach the world with an open heart.”


“There are many reasons why we’ve selected this film, as it differs from other films in the Competition on many levels. It is particularly entertaining and captivating, with many moments that make you hold your breath. The film is a unique cinematic pearl and every viewer regardless of their age will find something special and worthwhile about it.”